Более 40% россиян, посетивших Израиль, - круизеры

The tourist flow to Israel decreased by 16% during the period from January to August, 2009 in comparison with the same period of last year. It’s the second downturn in the history of Israeli tourism for the last 7 years: the last one was registered in 2006 with the decrease of 4%. It’s important to remind that the summer of 2006 was noted by the 2nd Lebanon war and as for December, 2008 – military operation in Gaza.

Only several countries including Russia demonstrated a positive dynamics of growth (excluding one-day cruise visits). The number of Russian tourists who visited Israel for 8 months of this year increased by 22%, but noting cruise passengers the indicator is just 10%. In absolute numbers 215.5 thousand Russian tourists visited Israel. Thus 41% of them are the passengers of cruise liners. It’s obvious, that the growth of tourist flow from Russia can be explained by the visa abolition regime between our countries.

Russia is in top 3 in the structure of Israeli inbound tourism market. Our country takes the 2nd place (13%) after the United States (22%) and if we don’t take into account day trips, Russia takes the 3rd place (9%) after the Americans (25%) and the French (13%) for the total number of tourists visited Israel from January till August, 2009.

As for the distribution of the Russian tourist flow by month, without noting cruise tourists, a considerable increase was in June (46%) a bit less in July (40%) and in August (38%). In absolute indicators April and May are the leaders: 22.3 and 21.7 thousand Russians visited Israel in April and in May accordingly.  

The positive dynamics for 8 months of 2009 also showed Finland (63%), Thailand (60%), Egypt (52%) and Croatia (2%). Other countries showed decrease: Portugal (-46%), Greece (-43%), Poland and Ukraine (-36%), Bulgaria and Romania (-31%), Turkey (-27%), Spain (-25%). The USA and France also showed negative dynamics: -14% and - 4% accordingly.

The analysis of Israeli inbound travel market was prepared by ATOR Analytical Service based on the data of Central Statistics Bureau of Israel. 






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